September 2018 Minutes

Minutes Of The Meeting Held 19th September 2018

Present: Cllrs A Clarke, R Hill, V Oliver

Clerk: Mrs L Needham

Public: 2

1. Apologies: Cllrs A Robinson & C Leslie reasons for absence were accepted by the councillors.

2. Minutes of Meeting held 11 July 2018 - The minutes of the last meeting were read, proposed, seconded and resolved by the council as correct and signed by the chairman.

3. Matters Arising -

Annual Parish Meeting - It was agreed that we approach Adam Daubney to see if he will speak at the Annual Parish Meeting in 2019. LN to ACTION

Village signs - These have been finished and have been put up again - Posts need repainting

4 Finance: CIA& D/A

Deposit account (Buis Bank Instant)

Balance at 10/07/2018 - £3235.29

Interest 0.29

Balance at 19/09/2018  - £3235.58

Current Account( Treasurers account)

Balance at 10/07/2018  - £3348.02

Cheques issued- 341 - Burton Autos (signs) - £250.00

Balance at 19/09/2018 = £3098.02

Outstanding Payments+ R H Plant (Grass Cutting) - £660.00

5. Chairman

The Chairman received an email from County Councillor Patricia Bradwell apologising for not being able to attend tonight's meeting and confirming that repairs to Moor Lane will be carried out in 2019.

6. Clerks items

Planning - The results of the Appeal for the Application to site Lodges etc on land down Moor Lane has been published the appeal against the original decision has been thrown out. The subsequent application for fishing lakes has been approved by ELDC Planning with certain restrictions. Documents are available on the ELDC Website.

A Grant application for£ 150 has been received from the Village Hall Committee. This is to help with the costs of the Christmas Party and OAPs Dinner that is held every year. It was agreed that this should be paid.

7. Any other business: None

10. Date of next meeting Wednesday 14111 November 2018

Meeting Closed 8.10pm