March 2022 Agenda Annual Parish Meeting


Wednesday 16th March 2022 @ 6.45pm.

Village hall will be open from 6.30pm for refreshments.

Proposed Agenda

Note: All local Parishes are legally obliged to hold an 'Annual Parish Community - Village Meeting', between 1st March and 1st June, each year. This is an opportunity for residents to attend and share your views and concerns you may have about current local issues. Although this meeting is arranged by local Parish Council's, it is an residents meeting, NOT a Parish Council Meeting. However this meeting can be  an opportunity for Parish Council's to give a brief outline of their duties and responsibilities, acting on behalf of the local community's & to gain feedback from local residents. 

1.  Welcome by Chairman of Horsington Parish Council. 

2.  Introduction of Horsington Parish Council Councillors present.

3.  Open Proposal - Elect Chairman to officiate the meeting.

4.  Horncastle History & Heritage Society. Talk on local history and objectives - Dr Ian Marshman.

5.  Horsington’s Emergency Plan Progress and how you can be involved - Cllr. Rod Howard. 

6.  Elder Tree Inn -  Progress on renovation and opening - Amy Annekin. 

7.  Horsington Snooker Club - back in business after Covid - Cllr. Rowland Hill.

8.  All Saints’ Parish Church Horsington Changes - update on behalf of Church Warden Andy Price.

9.  Community Forum:

Proposed items for discussion: 

a)  Speeding Traffic - Consultation - Questionnaire regarding proposed traffic calming measures.

b)  Initial feedback and any questions. 

c)  Village communications & involvement:

Emergency Plan - HPC web site, face book page, village hall, etc,.

d) HM The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebrations Bank Holiday Weekend Thursday 2nd - 5th June 2022.

e)  Any other matters to consider.

10.  Proposed date of next meeting.

Close & thanks.

If you would like further information or wish to propose items to be added to the Agenda 

Please email: