February 2025 Agenda
Horsington Parish Council - Agenda of Ordinary Meeting.
Parish Clerk – Melvin Grosvenor 01507 578657.
Dear Councillor,
You are hereby summoned to attend a Parish Council Meeting of Horsington Parish Council on Wednesday 12 February 2025 commencing 7.30pm at the renamed 'Charles Hill Community Hall' - Horsington .
In accordance with the provision of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 as amended by Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, Schedule 12A the Public and press may attend the meeting.
The recording at Council Meetings is permitted with the full knowledge of the Chairman of the Meeting and must be conducted openly.
The agenda is set out below.
Melvin Grosvenor
Clerk to the Council
Date of issue: 05 February 2025.
0225/87 Apologies for absence.
To receive apologies/reasons for absence.
0225/88 Public Participation.
To resolve if necessary, to temporarily suspend the meeting for a period of no longer than 15 minutes to allow for public participation. Members of the public may raise subjects they wish to bring to the attention of the Parish Council. Items relating to matters on the agenda will be taken first and any decisions will be made when the meeting is declared open.
0225/89 Declaration of Interest.
Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests under the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 made under the s.30 (3) of the Localism Act 2011
To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared.
a. To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared.
b. To note any dispensations given to any member in respect of the agenda items listed below.
0225/90 Minutes of Previous Meetings.
Minutes of Ordinary Meeting held on 04 December 2024 to be approved and signed as a true record.
0225/91 Clerk's Report. See Appendix A.
0225/92 Reports from Elected Representatives.
a) To receive a report from Cllr P Bradwell.
b) To receive a report from Cllr W Gray.
0225/93 Update: 1224/74 Highway/Footpath Repairs Pot holes & maintenance - Updates & Actions:
1. Flooding/Blocked drain/s Flooding of at the Bus stop Lay-by appears to have been resolved - & subject to ongoing monitoring Update: Has flooded again 30/09 - 02/10/24. However, there is repetitive flooding on the field side of the bend just before Moor Lane. Residents report that there may be a blockage beyond the reach of the mobile drain clearance hose which requires further investigation. Update: Assessment of blocked drains included in previous agenda item 0224/75. After relatively dry summer and recent rain 30/09 - 02/10 it appears the blockage has been cleared. Update noted Clerk discussed matter with Cllr Bradwell prior to meeting. - Feb 2025 Presumably matter closed.
2. Footpath Moor Lane - Installation of footpath to assist disabled resident. Moor Lane - Horsington Rd junction - Need specific funding - but unfortunately is considered to be a low priority for LCC Highways funding. Clerk again discussed ongoing concern with Cllr Bradwell prior to meeting is pursuing this matter.
0225/94 Update: 1224/75 Clerk liaised with Chairman to submit a report 14/11/2023 to LCC Highways re: the poor surface condition along the length of Main Street Horsington - including pot holes and broken tarmac. Site visit 20 December 2023 attended by Chairman, Cllr R Hill and Clerk with Richard Fenwick LCC Highways to assess the extent of the works required. Essential pot hole repairs to be undertaken in preparation for road resurfacing - matter now in hand including proposed upgrading of bus stop lay by & ongoing. Potholes still increasing. Update: October 2024 works have been undertaken over the past few weeks most pot holes filled in. Chairman proposed letter of thanks to LCC Highways & Cllr Bradwell. December 2024 - Clerk raised the ongoing matter concerning the proposed upgrading of bus stop lay by with Cllr Bradwell matter in hand.
Update Re:1224/69 Public Participation. Concerns raised in respect of users safety due to accumulated fallen leaves and debris along the grass verge footpath opposite Elder Tree Pub - Cllr W Gray & Cllr R Hill to initiate cleaning and removal. Cllr R Hill kindly arranged to clear footpath & Cllr W Gray initiated cleaning as well. Matter considered resolved.
0225/95 Update: 1224/76 Traffic Calming measures.
Traffic Survey (levels & speeds). Update: Clerk received Traffic Survey Report B1190 Horncastle Road 24 July 2023. Clerk has responded to unsatisfactory outcome of survey. Update: Chairman & Clerk raised concerns at an on line Parish Council briefing meeting with the Police & Crime Commissioner's team on 5 December 2023 where speeding concerns through Horsington were raised during the Q & A session. Confirmation of donation of 3 pairs of white village gateways. Site visit Chairman Cllr Hill & Clerk agreed proposed locations. Clerk submitted interim application to LCC Highways and approved 4 April 2024. Cllr Bradwell advised will again press for a speed limit reduction to 40mph on each of the 3 approaches to Horsington. New white village gateways have been received. Installation being arranged. Update: 23 October - Clerk met with Cllr Hill & D Annekin to confirm position of gateways & to arrange installation. Cllr R Hill Update
0225/96 Update 1224/77 HPC's Communications & Website - See Clerk report.
a) GDPR - Horsington PC contact email addresses. Progress on application for secure GOV.UK domain name & email contact address. Update: 03/12/24 - Clerk attended online information/training session hosted by 'The Parish Council Domains Helper Service.Gov.UK' to access funding and training assistance for the implementation of the .gov.uk email package. Members Resolved for Clerk to proceed. Update: Clerk has initiated application process to secure funding with verified provider.
0225/97 Financial Matters & Financial Statement 12/02/2025.
Description |
DR/CR/Ref |
Amount £ |
Bank Statement Reconciliation 31/12/2024 5136.43 |
Invoices Payments Due 04/12/2024 |
Clerk Office Expenses Nov/Dec/Jan |
DR435 |
30.00 |
Printing HPC Winter News Letter |
DR 435 |
25.00 |
Sub Total |
55.00 |
Balance C/F |
5081.43 |
Invoices Payments Due 12/02/2025 |
Contribution - Annual Over 50's Lunch Jan 2025 |
DR436 |
200.00 |
2nd Stage Clerk remuneration 2024/25 |
DR437 |
1100.00 |
Village Hall HPC meeting hire 2024/25 |
DR438 |
100.00 |
Clerk Admin Expenses Feb/March 2025 + printer cart's |
DR439 |
40.00 |
Sub Total |
1440.00 |
Balance C/F |
3641.43 |
Estimated VAT Refund 2024/25 |
CR |
203.41 |
Estimated Reserves 31/03/2025 |
3844.90 |
April 2025 Precept 2025/26 |
CR |
4326.00 |
Balance C/F - Financial Yr 2025/26 |
8170.90 |
a) Consideration and approval of Invoices - payments due. b) Clerk submitted Precept Form 2025/26 to ELDC for approved Precept of £4326.00.
0225/98 Planning.
a) Application S/087/01734/24 - 1 HOLLY COTTAGES, MAIN STREET, HORSINGTON. Planning Permission - Construction of vehicular access. Consideration of application.
Members Resolved to support the application. Clerk submitted HPC consultation response 06/12/2024 Update: Planning Permission 22/01/2025 with conditions.
b) Application S/087/00709/24 WILLOW FARM, HOLMES ROAD, HORSINGTON. Planning Permission - Erection of an employee welfare unit. Consultation circulated by email Clerk submitted support letter 13/11/2024. Update: Planning Permission 08/01/2025 with conditions.
b). Application S/087/00859/24 LAND ADJACENT AND NORTH OF WOODLEA KENNELS MOOR LANE, HORSINGTON Planning Permission - To temporarily site 1no. static caravan on existing farmland (works commenced). 05/06/2024 Re submission - withdrawn application 09/04/2024 ref: S/087/01902/23 LAND ADJACENT AND NORTH OF WOODLEA KENNELS MOOR LANE, HORSINGTON Planning Permission - To temporarily site 1no. static caravan on existing farmland (works commenced). Members confirmed by emails: to continue to support application the justification and need of which; 'is considered to provide a sustainable and highly valued contribution towards the local rural economy and food security'. Clerk submitted 2nd consultation response 20/06/2024. 05 Feb 2025 Still Awaiting decision.
0225/99 Update: 1224/79 Chairman's suggestion as to ideas and potential projects to improve village amenities. - Note circulated on Facebook 5 November 2023 YOUR IDEAS ARE WANTED FOR COMMUNITY PROJECTS AIMED AT ENHANCING AND IMPROVING HORSINGTON'S FACILITIES. (See Virtual Funding Seminar Chairman & Clerk attended on Thursday 2 November, 6-7pm). Matter to be considered further at the next Annual Community meeting scheduled to be convened on Wednesday 13 March 2024. Update: This matter was further considered reference Item 0724/45 below.
0225/100 Update: 1224/80 HPC Vacancies / Co-Option: Following resignation of Cllr P Reeves and publication of Notice of Vacancy. 1 Cllr vacancy for Co-Option.
0225/101 Update: 1224/81 Cllr N Elliot raised the potential for safe space for children at the community orchard. Potential feedback. Update: Cllr W Gray advised the orchard was planted by Platform Housing & would approach them. Cllr Elliot to continue to progress.
Cllr W Gray updated meeting - is awaiting update.
0224/102 Update: 1224/82 Requests for new items for consideration:
a) Concerns over dog fouling in the village. Members Resolved: for Chairman to prepare a notice for the Clerk to review and then post on the Village Hall Notice board and the Parish Council Notice board. Update: Completed. Members discussed this matter and further Resolved: to include additional information in the Winter 2024 News Letter Update: completed.
b) - inaccurate displays and timetables at Lincoln bus station, and departure of services from wrong bays and behind other vehicles, of service 30 to and from Horsington. Members Resolved: for Clerk to establish the complaints procedure and draw the matter to the attention of Cllr Bradwell. Update: Clerk has been in communication with LCC, Lincoln City Council & PC Coaches senior management teams . Assurances received advising the issues have been resolved, despite follow up communications during December and January 2025, advising otherwise.
c) Provision of warm space - Update: 'possible grant funding for village hall' Cllr Elliott provided further information on funding support provision of a 'warm space' provision in the village hall. Member's Resolved: that Cllr Elliot would make further inquiries for further consideration by the Village Hall Committee, as to the practicalities of providing this support; for consideration at the next Parish Council meeting, as it appears any applications for grant funding are to be officially submitted by the Parish Council with the oversight of the Clerk. Further Report and Update: from Cllr Elliot & Village Hall Management Committee - are satisfied that following completion of satisfactory due diligence undertaken by the involved parties (with oversight by the Parish Council), whilst the warm space provision has not been provided by the Parish Council or by the Village Hall Management Committee; Members Resolved: to also include information of the provision to Horsington residents as an information item in the Winter 2024 news letter - Completed. Update: Cllr Elliot.
d) Cllr N Elliot advised meeting on the usefulness of WiFi to be provided in the village hall Update from previous meeting. Members Resolved: for Cllr Elliot to research further information and any approval to proceed, should not commit either the Parish Council of Village Hall to unfunded annual expenses. Matter being considered by Village Hall Management Committee.
0225/103. Update: 1224/83 HPC News Letter Winter 2024/25. Chairman has circulated proposed news letter which has been checked by Clerk for final approval, printing & circulation. Members Resolved to approve News Letter with additional items as detailed above. Update: Clerk collated additional items, printed News letter & delivered to Sue Howard for circulation with thanks.
Horsington Annual Parish Meeting 12 March 2025. Point of interest - resident highlighted the benefit of attending a LIVES defibrillator training session and possibility of a similar session for Horsington. Clerk to contact LIVES to attend Annual Parish Meeting scheduled on 12 March 2025. Update: Invitation sent - awaiting response.
0225/104 Correspondence.
0225/105 Minor Items.
0225/106 Date of Next Meeting/s Venue Charles Hill Community Hall.
Annual Parish (Community) Meeting 12 March 2025. Commencing at 7.00pm.
Parish Council Meetings: All Parish Council Meetings commence at 7.30pm.
Annual Parish Council Meeting & Ordinary Meeting 14 May 2025.
Ordinary Parish Council Meetings; 16 July, 15 October, 3 December 2025.
Meeting to be closed.
0225/91 Clerk's Report. Appendix A.
Ref: 1024/53 - 1223/52 - Highway/Footpath Repairs Pot holes & maintenance - Updates & Actions:
1. Flooding/Blocked drain/s Flooding of at the Bus stop Lay-by appears to have been resolved - & subject to ongoing monitoring. However, there is repetitive flooding on the field side of the bend just before Moor Lane. Residents report that there may-be a blockage beyond the reach of the mobile drain clearance hose which requires further investigation. Matter discussed with Richard Fenwick site visit 20/12/2023. Under review following recent rainfall over winter & spring 2024.
Matter appears to have been resolved. Bus stop lay by flooded again after recent rain end Sept. beg Oct.- No apparent flooding since. Appears matter can be closed.
2. Footpath Moor Lane - Installation of footpath to assist disabled resident. Moor Lane - Horsington Rd junction. Liaising with Cllr Bradwell ongoing.
0225/93 Update: 1224/76 Traffic Calming measures.
a) Traffic Survey (levels & speeds). Awaiting further information from LRSP & Highways review of the 60 mph limit on all the approaches to Horsington. Received response 19/04/23. Received further response from LRSP 24 July 2023 - Traffic Survey Report B1190 Horncastle Road following additional concerns on this straight stretch of road. Clerk liaising with Cllr Hill to arrange installation of gateways. 22/10/2024 Clerk - Cllr Hill & D Annekin met at each gateway location to finalise positions. Feb 2025 - Awaiting installation.
0224/96 Update 1224/77 HPC's Communications & Website.
Updated HPC meeting dates for 2025. a & b) Commenced application process for HPC's official gov.uk domain name/contact email address - to comply with GDPR. 13/12/2024 Attended online info training session - Dec 2024 followed up and initiated application to secure funding with verified gov.uk provider in progress.
HPC Website & Facebook page updates Ongoing liaison with LALC's webmaster. HPC facebook updates/information. Posted information of PC Coaches Bus Service 30 on Village Hall Notice board + Call Connect Christmas/ NY time tables. Finalised and printed HPC's Winter 2024/25 News Letter - Sue Howard. Further communications re complaint Lincoln Bus Station Service 30 to Horsington with Service Director of PC Coaches.
Communications. Circulation of LALC & ELDC messenger Updates. Preparation & circulation of Draft Minutes of meeting 4 December 2024. Agenda 12 Feb. Preparation for Annual Parish Meeting 12 March - invitation to LIVES. 04/02/2025 Attended LALC information session re New Labour Gov's revision of National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) to establish potential planning/development implications to Horsington & Baumber Parishes.
0224/100 Update: 1224/80 HPC Co-option: 15 May 2024. Received ELDC letter confirming Co-Option for new vacancy open.
General Admin - ongoing.
1. Issued Cheques & settled invoices/ bank statements reconciliation re: 12/02/2025 Ordinary meeting. Monitoring bank statement Dec/Jan 2025.
2. Completed & submitted HMRC PAYE Returns Jan/Feb.
3. Preparation of updated Financial Statement for 12 Feb 2025 meeting & finalised expenditure to year end 31st March 2025. Completed and submitted Precept request Form 2025/26 to ELDC.
4. Preparation for 2024/25 VAT refund submission.
0225/98 Planning.
a) Application S/087/01734/24 - 1 HOLLY COTTAGES, MAIN STREET, HORSINGTON. Planning Permission - Construction of vehicular access. Circulated details to Members for Consideration of application. Submitted HPC Consultation response 06/12/2024. Received notification of Planning Permission 22/01/2025.
b) Application S/087/00709/24 WILLOW FARM, HOLMES ROAD, HORSINGTON. Planning Permission - Erection of an employee welfare unit. Consultation circulated by email Clerk submitted support letter 13/11/2024. Received notification of Planning Permission 08/01/25
a). Application S/087/00859/24. - 05/06/2024 Re application following withdrawal of: S/087/01902/23 LAND ADJACENT AND NORTH OF WOODLEA KENNELS MOOR LANE, HORSINGTON. Planning Permission - To temporarily site 1no. static caravan on existing farmland (works commenced) Received Member's responses to continue to support - submitted HPC consultation response 20/06/2024. Still Awaiting decision.