February 2024 Minutes
Horsington Parish Council - Minutes of Ordinary Meeting.
Parish Clerk – Melvin Grosvenor 01507 578657.
Minutes Ordinary Meeting of Horsington Parish Council on Wednesday 14 February 2024 commencing 7.30 pm at Charles Hill Community Hall.
Those present: Mr C Bates (Chairman) Vice Chairman P Reeves, Cllr R Hill, Ward, Cllr W Gray. (ELDC) & Cllr P Bradwell (LCC)
Clerk: Mr M Grosvenor. Plus 4 Residents.
0224/67 Commemoration of the Passing of Julie Bates - Conducted by Clerk.
Chairman Conducted a Commemoration of the recent passing of named Horsington residents.
0224/68 Apologies for absence.
No apologies for absence.
0224/69 Public Participation.
Issue raised of high water levels and ongoing risk of flooding. D Day 80 year Anniversary Event 6 June 2024 Community preparation.
0224/70 Declaration of Interest.
No declarations.
0224/71 Minutes of Previous Meeting.
Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held on 6 December 2023 approved and signed as a true record.
0224/72 Clerk's Report. See Appendix A.
0224/73 Reports from Elected Representatives.
a) To receive a report from Cllr P Bradwell - ref highway matters & see clerk report.
b) To receive a report from Cllr W Gray.
0224/74 Update: 0823/38 Highway/Footpath Repairs Pot holes & maintenance - Updates & Actions:
1. Flooding/Blocked drain/s Flooding of at the Bus stop Lay-by appears to have been resolved - & subject to ongoing monitoring. However, there is repetitive flooding on the field side of the bend just before Moor Lane. Residents report that there may be a blockage beyond the reach of the mobile drain clearance hose which requires further investigation. Update: Assessment of blocked drains included in agenda item 0224/75.
2. Footpath Moor Lane - Installation of footpath to assist disabled resident. Moor Lane - Horsington Rd junction - Need specific funding - but unfortunately is considered to be a low priority for LCC Highways funding. To chase for a review.
0224/75 Update:1223/55 Clerk liaised with Chairman to submit a report 14/11/2023 to LCC Highways re: the poor surface condition along the length of Main Street Horsington - including pot holes and broken tarmac. Site visit 20 December 2023 attended by Chairman, Cllr R Hill and Clerk with Richard Fenwick LCC Highways to assess the extent of the works required. Essential pot hole repairs to be undertaken in preparation for road resurfacing - matter now in hand including proposed upgrading of bus stop lay by & ongoing.
0224/76 Update:1223/56 Traffic Calming measures.
Traffic Survey (levels & speeds). Clerk awaiting outcome of formal request to LRSP & Highways review of the 60 mph limit on all the approaches to Horsington & Enforcement request to Lincs Neighbourhood Police - re noisy speeding motorcyclists'. Clerk received update 6/12/22; due to backlog assessment delayed to early 2023. Response received 19/04/2023. Update: Clerk received Traffic Survey Report B1190 Horncastle Road 24 July 2023. Clerk has responded to unsatisfactory outcome of survey. Update: Chairman & Clerk raised concerns at an on line Parish Council briefing meeting with the Police & Crime Commissioner's team on 5 December 2023 where speeding concerns through Horsington were raised during the Q & A session. Clerk liaising with LRSP & Cllr Bradwell.
0224/77 Update 1223/57 HPC's Communications & Website - See Clerk report.
a) GDPR - Horsington PC contact email addresses. Progress on application for secure GOV.UK domain name & email contact address. Ongoing.
0224/78 Financial Matters & Financial Statement 14/02/2024.
Description |
DR/CR/Ref |
Amount £ |
Bank Statement Reconciliation 31/10/2023 |
Closing balance 31/10/2023 4250.46 |
Invoices / Payments 31/10/2023. |
R & H Plant Ltd Overhanging Branches |
DR (419) |
420.00 |
New Laptop Professional Plus software package |
DR (420) |
26.99 |
Sub Total |
DR |
446.99 |
Bank Reconciliation 30/11/2023. Balance C/F |
3803.47 |
Invoices/Payments Due 14/02/2024. |
2nd Stage Clerk Remuneration 2023/24 |
DR |
1000.00 |
Village Hall Hire for meetings 2023/24 |
DR |
70.00 |
Sub Total |
DR |
1070.00 |
Balance C/F |
2733.47 |
Credits Due Prior to Yr 31/03/2024. |
Estimated VAT refund claim |
CR |
298.80 |
Balance C/F |
3032.27 |
Estimated Reserves Year End 31/03/2024 |
3032.27 |
Commencement Financial Yr 2024/25 Receipt. |
Precept 2024/25 April 2025. |
CR |
4200.00 |
Estimated Reserves at April 2025. |
7232.27 |
a) Consideration of payments due - approved
b) Note: Cllr W Gray, approved a grant funding contribution to Over 50's Residents Annual New Year Celebratory Lunch from his annual ELDC Councillor grant funding to support the community and the Parish Council. Members thanked Cllr Gray for this welcome support.
c) Clerk submitted Precept Claim Form for Precept 2024/25 at £4,200.00.
0224/79 Update: Horsington Over 50' Residents Annual Lunch. Cllr Hill advised meeting was well attended and a successful event.
0224/80 Planning.
a) New Items:
S/087/02330/23 SIDE FARM, BUCKNALL ROAD, HORSINGTON Planning Permission - Erection of 1no. general purpose storage building and construction of vehicular access.
Consideration of application & amendment application as follows:- Amendment of description of development to include construction of a new access. Members Resolved: for Clerk to request clarification and information concerning of storage use.
S/087/01902/23 LAND ADJACENT AND NORTH OF WOODLEA KENNELS MOOR LANE, HORSINGTON Planning Permission - To temporarily site 1no. static caravan on existing farmland (works commenced). Consideration of application. Members Resolved: to support application the justification and need of which; 'is considered to provide a sustainable and highly valued contribution towards the local rural economy and food security'.
b) S/170/01940/22 FORMER BRICK PITS, STIXWOULD ROAD, STIXWOULD Planning Permission - Erection of 10no. eco lodges and 1no. activity centre. Note: Application is not within Horsington Parish boundary &Clerk has received communications from residents in the vicinity of the application site. Letter sent to ELDC dated 8 June 2023.
After consideration of the submitted application & resident's statements and as Resolved, Clerk submitted statement to ELDC on 17 August 2023, advising that the position of the Parish Council is to not support the application and stated that the environmental and residential amenity issues identified, are considered to be legitimate and justified. Awaiting planning decision.
c) LAND OFF, MOOR LANE, HORSINGTON Ref: EC/087/00414/22 2nd Enforcement Notice issued 04 November 2022 in respect of the unauthorised development, given that works had continued and were beyond the scope of the previously issued Notice under reference EC/087/229/21. Appeal received ref: APP/D2510/C/22/3312392. Update: Appeal Dismissed 7 July 2023.
Note: The Position of the Parish Council during the planning consideration and determination process is as a consultee party, which holds no statutory powers to approve, or refuse planning permission.
0224/81 Update: 1223/61 Chairman's suggestion as to ideas and potential projects to improve village amenities. - Note circulated on Facebook 5 November 2023 YOUR IDEAS ARE WANTED FOR COMMUNITY PROJECTS AIMED AT ENHANCING AND IMPROVING HORSINGTON'S FACILITIES. (See Virtual Funding Seminar Chairman & Clerk attended on Thursday 2 November, 6-7pm). Matter to be considered further at the next Annual Community meeting scheduled to be convened on Wednesday 13 March 2024.
0224/82 Update: 1223/62 HPC Vacancies: 2 Cllr vacancies following 4 May 2023 uncontested election. Interested residents have contacted the Clerk & matter is in hand see Appendix A.
0224/83 Correspondence. Regarding 80th Commemorative Anniversary of D Day Landings 6 June 2024. Event proposal & preparation raise for further consideration at Annual Parish Meeting 13 March 2024.
0224/84 Minor Items.
1223/66 Date of Next Meeting/s Venue Charles Hill Community Hall Horsington.
14 February 2024. (See item 1223/63 for the meeting dates during 2024). Annual Parish Council & Ordinary meeting 15 May 2024, 10 July 2024, 9 October 2024 & 4 December 2024. The Annual Community meeting date was scheduled for 13 March 2024.
Note: All Parish Council meetings to commence at 7.30pm.
Meeting closed at 8.55pm.
Signature : Chairman C Bates MBE
Date: 15 May 2024.
0224/72 Clerk's Report. Appendix A.
Ref: 1223/52 0823/38 - Highway/Footpath Repairs Pot holes & maintenance - Updates & Actions:
1. Flooding/Blocked drain/s Flooding of at the Bus stop Lay-by appears to have been resolved - & subject to ongoing monitoring. However, there is repetitive flooding on the field side of the bend just before Moor Lane. Residents report that there may-be a blockage beyond the reach of the mobile drain clearance hose which requires further investigation. Matter discussed with Richard Fenwick site visit 20/12/2023.
2. Footpath Moor Lane - Installation of footpath to assist disabled resident. Moor Lane - Horsington Rd junction. Liaising with Cllr Bradwell ongoing.
0224/75 Update 1223/55 Clerk liaised with Chairman to prepare a report to LCC Highways re: the poor surface condition along the length of Main Street Horsington including pot holes and broken tarmac submitted 14/11/2023, see Agenda Item 0224/75
02224/76 Update: 1223/56 Traffic Calming measures.
a) Traffic Survey (levels & speeds). Awaiting further information from LRSP & Highways review of the 60 mph limit on all the approaches to Horsington. Received response 19/04/23. Received further response from LRSP 24 July 2023 - Traffic Survey Report B1190 Horncastle Road following additional concerns on this straight stretch of road. See update.
0224/77 Update 1223/57 HPC's Communications & Website.
a) Commenced application process for HPC's official gov.uk domain name/contact email address - to comply with GDPR. Established contact with proposed service provider for costs and procedure - application ongoing.
b) HPC Website & HPC Facebook page.
Ongoing liaison with LALC website support and maintenance .
Continued HPC facebook updates/information
Circulation of LALC & ELDC messenger Updates.
Preparation & circulation of Minutes 6 December 2023 & Agenda of Meeting 14 February 2024.
Liaison with Chairman re (joint) attendance at Virtual UK SPF Funding and Support Brief Seminar on Thursday 2 November, 6-7pm. Liaising with Chairman & Cllr P Reeves re attendance at Horncastle Community Centre on 3rd October 2023 (1 - 2pm), seminar on UK Shared Prosperity Fund briefing.
Follow up email exchanges regarding speeding matters arising from Clerk's attendance with Chairman at Parish Council Engagement Session 5 December 2023 (online) organised by Lincolnshire Police and Police and Crime Commissioner Marc Jones
0224/82 Update 1223/62 HPC Vacancies: 2 Cllr vacancies following 4 May 2023 uncontested election. Clerk liaising proposed new candidate who has confirmed happy to be Co-Opted at May 2024 meeting. Liaison with 2nd potential candidate.
General Admin - ongoing.
1. Submitted Precept Form Financial Yr 2024/25 Issued Cheques & settled invoices/ bank statements reconciliation.
2.Preparation and Submission of 2023/24 VAT refund claim.
3. Completed & submitted HMRC PAYE Returns December 2023, January & February 2024.
4. Preparation of Financial Statement for meeting and year-end financial position.
0224/80 Planning.
a) Circulated details of new planning applications to Members.
b) S/170/01940/22 | Planning Permission - Erection of 10no. eco lodges and 1no. activity centre. | FORMER BRICK PITS, STIXWOULD ROAD, STIXWOULD. Awaiting planning decision.
c) Ref: EC/087/00414/22 2nd Enforcement Notice issued 04 November 2022 in respect of the unauthorised development, given that works are continuing and are beyond the scope of the previously issued Notice under reference EC/087/229/21. Appeal ref: APP/D2510/C/22/3312392. Appeal Dismissed.