May 2021 Minutes

Minutes of Horsington Parish Council  (ZOOM) meeting held on Wednesday 5 May 2021.

Attendance - Cllrs C Bates (Chairman)  R Hill,  R Howard & A Reavill.

LCC Cllr P Bradwell   ELDC Cllr W Gray   Clerk M Grosvenor  1 Resident.

0521/13  Apologies for absence. - None.
0521/14  Public Participation.  - None.

0521/15  Declaration of Interest. - None
0521/16  Minutes of Previous Meeting.

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 14th April 2021 approved for signature. 

0521/17  Clerk’s Report:
Ref: 1220/45 Planning - EC/087/00332/20 Enforcement Notice - LAND OFF, MOOR LANE, HORSINGTON  - Update 17-03-2021  Planning Contravention Notice served. Letter dated 17th March 2021.

Ref 0221/65  Faulty Street Lights - Reported to ELDC - ELDC via "Fix My Street" three street lamps on for 24/7  - reported to be repaired in April.

Ref: 1020/26 New Horsington Parish Council Website. Ongoing Progress on website. Sessions arranged to complete training. Recent Minutes & Agenda's updated.

Ref 0221/66 Traffic Calming measures & signage Liaising with Cllr Bradwell.

Ref 0221/73  HPC  - Improved communications Cllr Reavill set up HPC facebook page - Clerk and others posting regular updates particularly COVID 19. 

AGAR Audit Year- end 31/03/2021 - Internal & AGAR Audit completed. Pro-forma reconciliations completed - good will payment - paid.

Reported Dog Fouling Concerns to ELDC. Liaising with  ELDC's dog warden & PCSO Nigel Wass - Dog Fouling signs circulated and posted around village. Notice on fb page.

Liaising with Village Hall Committee re Meetings & following Gov COVID 19 Updates. Unlikely Annual Community meeting will be held earlier than July 2021.

Liaising with  Cllr Bradwell & Cllr Bates re Cllr's Howard reported from Resident complaint re the unsatisfactory condition and flooding of  Bus stop lay-by. PB confirmed dates for works.

ELDC Consultation Housing  Policy SP29. Response submitted to ELDC and acknowledged - requested Plan review updates from ELDC.

Liaison New Member Co-Option & liaising with LALC re new Cllr training.

Preparation for Annual Parish Council Meeting & Ordinary Meeting following.

Responses to emails -fly tipping Grubbed Out hedgerow etc & updating Chairman.

General Admin - ongoing.

End of Clerk Report

0521/18     Reports from Elected Representatives.

a. To receive a report from LCC Cllr. P Bradwell. - see Highway matters below:

b. To receive a report from ELDC Cllr. W Gray.

COVID Local Restrictions Support Grant (National Lockdown Feb 16th to March 31st 2021) so far -scheme closes to applications on May 31st. Self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace, or are caring for child who’s self-isolating, you may be able to apply for £500 from ELDC. Age-Friendly Futures - Community Lincs. Are you over 50, living in East Lindsey and looking to get back into work? Age- Friendly Futures offers training, advice and support to help you get back into the workplace.  Platform Housing Tenant well being support grants available for various needs. Info available on ELDC's facebook page
0521/19  Highway/Footpath Repairs Pot holes & maintenance - Update & Actions: 
1. Flooded/Blocked Drain - Bus stop Lay-by Main Street. - has been cleared. Repair work has been assessed and is in progress.

2. Road sign at Baumber Road - repaired - sited too close road edge -Cllr Hill has met with highways who state sign is correctly positioned.  

3. Bucknall to Horsington Road,  footpath over grown and grass/weeds penetrating through and breaking up the tarmac surface. Cllr Hill & P Bradwell have actioned this. 

4. Condition of Moor Lane - Stixwould Road Cllr Bradwell advised repairs and re-surfacing scheduled between  7  to  29 June 2021.
0521/20  Faulty Street Lights - Update - Reported to ELDC - still outstanding-  Cllr Gray to follow up.

0521/21   Reports of Fly-tipping to ELDC - Updates.

Fly-tipping - ongoing issue particularly burnt out caravan reported over a year ago and Issues reported on Fix My Street for ELDC's attention-  Cllr Gray & Cllr Bradwell also following up. Cllr Howard reported: rubbish tipped into the beck at Poolham has been collected (with the exception of handle of a lawn mower, loppers, large spade, and a handle to a rake which are on the muddy bottom underwater).  Cllr Bradwell reported LCC are initiating campaign to help combat this.
0521/22  Report of Dog Fouling: - Updates See Clerk report/further actions required. On going investigation on associated matter.

0521/23  Traffic Calming measures & signage. Update: re proposal for additional signage i.e., "village entry gates".  Resolved: Cllr Hill  - seeking costs for plastic materials & reclaimed timber -  ongoing. Cllr Bradwell reported LCC Highways have indicated approval.

0521/24  Emergency plan proposals. - Cllr R Howard - update - ongoing.

0521/25  HPC's Communications: COVID 19 Community Support Flier - Website & Facebook page. Updates- (Clerk report)

0521/26     Planning. 

1. No new matters to bring forward. 

2. Enforcement Notice Update - EC/087/00332/20 LAND OFF, MOOR LANE, HORSINGTON  Planning Contravention Notice served dated 17th March 2021. Concerns raised due to construction of a new wooden pavilion style building on concrete hard standing and lack of progress on reported breaches of Planning Control. Cllr Gray also expressed concerns due to extensive delay in progressing matter. 

Resolved: to arrange an urgent  site meeting with ELDC Enforcement Manager. 

0521/27  Finance: 

2020/21 Accounts - End of Year 31/03/2021.

     1. Reserves B/F Reconciled 31/03/2021 £  200.38
         Reserves B/F Reconciled 28/02/2021 £ 1501.90
         Balance B/F Reconciled £ 1702.28

    2.  Payments/Receipts at 28/04/2021.
       Internal Audit - Goodwill payment DR    £      30.00  (374)
       LALC Annual Subscription 2021/22. DR    £      79.22   (375)
       Precept - ELDC 2021/22. (held as 2020/21) CR     £ 4000.00
       Sub Total. £ 5593.06

       Balance C/F @28/04/2021 £ 5593.06

3. Payments/Funding - Approved. 
       1st Stage Clerk Remuneration  2021/22 DR    £ 1000.00
       Annual Insurance Renewal 01-06-2021/- 31/05/2022 DR £    227.17
       Sub Total DR    £  1227.17
       VAT 126 Refund 2020/21. CR    £    578.12
       Total. DR    £    647.05

    4. Reserves B/F £ 5593.06
       Less Payments/Funding Due DR    £   647.05     
       Reserves C/F £ 4946.01

    5. Note: Resolved: to close Treasurers account & transfer funds to Current account.

0521/28 All Saints Parish Church Funding Request.

"Over the past many years Horsington Parish Council have donated the church about £300.00 a year to help with the grass cutting fees".

Resolved: to fund £150.00 from budgeted reserves. 

0521/29  Report of Grubbed out hedgerow in Horsington. Resolved: Information only. 

0521/30    Correspondence for Information 

LALC - E -News - circulated
ELDC - e-messenger news circulated

0521/31  Minor Items - 

a. To take any points from members. 

Notice Board - Cllr Hill raised the condition and lack of space available on the village hall notice board to post HPC 's Agenda's - Minutes - Notices etc.,  Village Hall information community information - Proposed a new free standing notice board sited next to new benches. Resolved: to investigate costs etc., 
b. Matters of correspondence for information which arrived after the agenda was posted. No other matters. 
0521/32 Parish Council Meetings & Annual Parish Meeting  Update/Venue. 

a) Horsington Parish Council Meeting Schedule 2021/22.  

Ordinary Parish Council Meetings:  14/07/2021 -  15/09/2021 - 08/12/2021 - 16/02/2022.
b) Horsington Annual Community Meeting 2021. As Per Appendix A. Clerk keeping under review and liaising with Village Hall Committee re COVID 19 restrictions following Gov COVID 19 Guidance for 17 May & 21 June 2021.

0521/33    Date and time of the next meeting - Wednesday 14th July 2021 @ 7.00 pm.   Venue - expected to be held in Horsington Village Hall.
0521/34    Agenda Items for the next meeting to be received by 2nd July 2021.

Meeting Closed 9.30pm.