February 2022 DRAFT Notes
Horsington Parish Council Minutes. (Notes)
(Notes of) Minutes of Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 16 February 2022
@ 7.00pm in Horsington Village Hall - Covid -19 Secure Gov. UK regulations for meetings held in
community venues & social distancing safeguard measures - were adhered to at all times.
Those present: Mr C Bates (Chairman) Vice Chairman Mr A Reavill, Cllr R Hill, Cllr R Howard.
Clerk: M Grosvenor. Plus 9 Residents.
0222/78 Apologies for absence.
Cllr's P Bradwell & W Gray.
0222/79 Public Participation.
Residents present raised concerns regarding speeding traffic on the approach to and through the village. Comments noted for consideration re: Agenda item 0222/86 'Traffic Calming measures & signage'
0222/80 Declaration of Interest & dispensations.
0222/81 Minutes of Previous Meeting.
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 08 December 2021 approved & duly signed.
0222/82. Clerk’s Report: Appendix A.
Ref: 1221/63. Highway/Footpath Repairs Pot holes & maintenance - Update & Actions:
1. Flooding/Blocked Drain/s - Bus stop Lay-by Main Street - flooding recently returned
Clerk liaised with Cllr PB who advised Highways confirmed cracked drainage pipe - road
works required. Flooding near Moor Lane - drain cleaned out. Cllr Bradwell advised matters are in
2. Foot Path Moor Lane - Installation of a footpath to assist disabled resident - Moor Lane to
Horsington Road junction. Clerk liaising with Cllr Bradwell.
3. Pot holes near Elder Tree Clerk reported: https://www.fixmystreet.com/report/3262513
4. Bucknall to Horsington Road, footpath over grown and grass/weeds penetrating through and
breaking up tarmac surface. Clerk liaising with Cllr Bradwell who is putting pressure on Highways to
expedite works.
5. Duckpool Bridge Duckpool Lane Stixwould - Waterproofing maintenance - bridge currently
closed diversion in place via Moor Lane. Clerk raised concerns - Highways to monitor.
Update: Notification of delay in reopening of Duckpool Lane at Duckpool Bridge until Friday, 4 March
6. Fly-tipping - burnt out caravan - most of debris removed - concerns regarding remaining
broken glass. Clerk liaising with ELDC to clear.
0222/86 1221/65 - Ref 0921/50 Traffic Calming measures & signage.
a) Village entry gates". Liaising with Cllr Hill re alternative local suppliers & Quotations to be
provided to meeting.
b) Check Your Speed Signs Clerk received & provided to Chairman - 6 LRSP Check your speed
30mph signs installation where required.
c) Traffic Survey (levels & speeds) Clerk liaised with LRSP to arrange survey - conducted during
January 2022 & results circulated to members for consideration.
d) Interactive Speed Monitoring Signs. Clerk to provide quotations.
e) Letter and accompanying research received from Mr A Garratt - Circulated to Members for
0222/87 Update 1221/66 Emergency plan proposals. Clerk arranged Cllr Howard LALC
Emergency Planning Training - 2nd February 2022 County Emergency Centre, Lincoln.
0222/88 Update 1221/67 HPC's Communications & Web Site: Clerk report. Chairman
prepared draft of 2nd News - letter Clerk & Members reviewed & edited. Members circulated January
2022. Clerk & posted on Notice Board and website - Clerk liaising with LALC webmaster to maintain
and update website.
HPC facebook page - Clerk posted information listed:
03/02/2022 Neighbourhood Policing News Letter.
24/01/2022 ELDC Waste Collection Information.
16/01/2022 ELDC 2022/23 Precept Budget Consultation.
13/01/2022 LCC Highways Notice of Duck Pool Bridge & Road Closure & Posted on Notice Board.
21/12/2021 LCC Police Operation Rudolf Crime Prevention.
16/12/2021 LCC - Government Campaign to "Fix our Funds to Fix our Roads".
0222/89 Ref 1221/68 New Free standing Notice Board - Clerk report: LCC Highways Approval of
Clerk's submitted application received 15/12/2021 circulated details - attended site visit with Chairman
& Cllr R Hill to confirm approved site position. Cllr R Hill etal arranged & completed installation.
0222/90 Ref 1221/70 HPC Councillor Vacancy. Update Application for Co-Option onto HPC
received for consideration. Clerk liaising with candidate.
1221/71 Climate Change Strategy - consultation East Lindsey, Boston and South Holland.
Clerk submitted HPC's response as approved by Members.
1. Completed & Submitted Precept Request Form - Financial Year 2022/23 - £4,000.
2. Issued Cheques & settled invoices/monitoring bank statements.
3. Submitted HMRC - PAYE returns.
4. Preparation of Financial Statement - Meeting 16/02/2022.
Liaising with Chairman & Cllr W Gray - re neighbourhood matter of concern.
Circulation of LALC & ELDC Messenger Updates.
Re issued revised HPC FOI Statement & posted on new notice board 21-01-2022.
Preparation for Ordinary Meeting 16 February 2022.
General Admin - ongoing.
a) Ref: 1220/45 Planning - EC/087/00332/20 Enforcement Notice - LAND OFF, MOOR LANE,
HORSINGTON - Update: Continued Liaison with ELDC Enforcement,.
Ref S/087/01307/21 Retrospective Planning Permission. Applicant submitted Further
Planning Statement (FPS) Posted on ELDC Planning Portal 01/09/2021 & Dated 3/08/2021.
Members considered statements of concern in respect of HPC's statutory consultation response to ELDC
22/07/21. Due to nature of applicants unfounded statements as Resolved at meeting on 15/09/21 - Clerk
submitted a supplementary response to ELDC for clarification and publication. Additional action: Previous
HPC Chairman advised of further inaccurate statements within FPS - Clerk submitted approved second
supplementary clarification response to ELDC. No further updates to report 16/02/2022.
b) Ref: S/089/01381/21 SIDE FARM, BUCKNALL ROAD, HORSINGTON LN10 5ET. Planning
Permission Refused - Erection of a detached house with a detached double garage and construction
of a vehicular access.
Appeal Ref APP/D2510/W/21/3286182 submitted against refusal. Consideration of HPC
written representation - deadline 24/02/2022. Clerk notified Members of Appeal & circulated appeal
Planning Permission Change of use of land for the siting of 10 no. touring caravan
pitches, a camping field, 8 no. glamping pods, 22 no. glamping cabins and 4 no. underground
hideaways and 1 no. holiday lodge. Change of use, conversion of, extensions and alterations
to former barn to provide a bar/cafe. Erection of a camping welfare block and a communal
building consisting of w.c.s and showers. Excavation of land to provide 2 no. wildlife ponds and
earth mounding to a maximum height 4.0 metres. Alterations to existing entrance to include
entrance gates to a maximum height of 1 metre, vehicular parking areas and internal access
roads. Liaised with members re: EIA Screening Opinion application & full planning submission.
Liaised with ELDC planning, to request & gain HPC's statutory consultation deadline extension from
07 February 2022 to Friday 17 Feb 2022.
0222/83. Reports from Elected Representatives.
a. To receive a report from LCC Cllr. P Bradwell. - (ref Highway matters below)
b. To receive a report from ELDC Cllr. W Gray - forwarded following information:
PRESS RELEASE: £7.2 MILLION OF FUNDING FOR SUSTAINABLE WARMTH PROGRAMME The South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership has been awarded a total of £7,254,966 to deliver the next phase of Green Homes Grants awards (known as 'Sustainable Warmth') to private homeowners and landlords across the sub-region.
The Sustainable Warmth Programme is made up of two schemes which supports low-income households. The Home Upgrade Grant (HUG1) aims to upgrade the energy efficiency of properties off the gas network in England. The Local Authority Delivery Phase 3 (LAD3) is for properties which are connected to the mains gas network and has grants capped at £10,000 (£5,000 for landlords).
Funding between £5,000 and £25,000 will be awarded to properties to undertake energy efficiency improvements such as loft, cavity, underfloor, external/internal wall insulation, low-energy lighting upgrades, solar panels, draught-proofing and low-carbon heating measures such as air or ground source heat pumps.
You can read the full release here.
In 2022, Her Majesty The Queen will become the first British Monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee. To mark The Queen’s historic 70 year reign, 2022 will see Platinum Jubilee celebrations throughout the UK and the Commonwealth as part of a year-long programme of events.
There are many ways that our communities, partners and businesses can celebrate this occasion – with a focus on the theme of Friendship, Fun and Food with Neighbours.
The three councils are sharing information on our websites on how you can get involved and register your events, discover local and national guidance, access online resources and register your activities, as well as discover what is happening across the sub-region. Link: www.e-lindsey.gov.uk/jubilee
0222/84. Highway/Footpath Repairs Pot holes & maintenance - Update & Actions:
1. Flooded/Blocked Drain - Bus stop Lay-by Main Street - flooding recently returned and at
bend near junction of Moor Lane. See Clerk report.
2. Bucknall to Horsington Road, footpath over grown and grass/weeds penetrating
through and breaking up the tarmac surface. See Clerk report.
3. Pot holes near Elder Tree Public House. See Clerk report.
4. Foot Path Moor Lane - See Clerk report.
5. Duckpool Bridge Duckpool Lane Stixwould - See Clerk report.
0222/85 Update ref 1221/64. Burnt on caravan - See Clerk report.
0222/86 1221/65 - Ref 0921/50 Traffic Calming measures & signage. See Clerk report.
a) "Village entry gates". Consider quotations & next steps. Clerk reported quotations:
1. I D FENCING SERVICES BUCKNALL: supply gates on 100mm square concrete posts & gate frames from 100mm x 38mm timber bolted to posts each painted white £310.00 +vat x 6 = £1,860.00.
2. Emailed details to local supplier - no response.
3. playdays.biz Wragby. Price gates to supply in region of £650 per pair + £175 to paint white.
4. Legbourne Lynx Outdoor Products - 3ft wide gate pressure treated with wood preservative £95.00 not available in white.
Clerk advised current reserves & £400.00 contribution from Cllr Gay's funding is not
sufficient to cover costs without increasing precept. The increased expenditure requires a
formal consultation and recommended a questionnaire be prepared and circulated to
residents to obtain feedback. Resolved: to draft and approve questionnaire for circulation
and discussion at the Annual Parish Meeting to be held 16 March 2022.
b) Check your speed 30mph signs. See Clerk Report. Cllr Reavill has kindly erected the 6
new signs, bringing the total number installed to 11.
c) Traffic Survey (levels & speeds) See Clerk report.
Traffic Survey outcome tables below:
Casualty / Collision History (Previous 36 months)
Overall conclusions: 'The speed data showed some evidence that vehicles were exceeding the speed limit at a speed that would make the drivers liable to action or prosecution by the Police.'
'Highways engineers within the Road Safety Partnership have assessed the area and conclude that no engineering casualty reduction measures were identified.' Full report available on request.
Members considered the report and data, given concerns raised regarding speeding traffic on the approaches to the 30mph village limits, especially on Moor Lane.
Resolved: Clerk to submit a formal request to LRSP for a review of the 60mpm limit on approaches to Horsington. Cllr Reavill prepared a map marking sections of road proposed for 40mph limit.
d) Interactive Speed Monitoring Signs. See Clerk Report. Members provided with
quotation from Elancity: Evolis radar speed sign solar and battery powered cost from £1938.
e) Consideration of Letter and accompanying research received from resident Mr A Garratt.
Concerns raised regarding noisy speeding motorcyclists' on the approaches and through the
village. Resolved: - Clerk to raise concerns with LRSP & Lincolnshire Neighbourhood watch
f) Consideration of residents traffic calming measures questionnaire - Annual Parish
Meeting. Ref previous agenda item a) above.
0222/87 1221/66. Update 0921/45 Emergency plan proposals. See Clerk Report.
Re - LALC Emergency Planning Training - 02/02/2022 County Emergency Centre, Lincoln.
Cllr Howard gave update report. Resolved : to proceed.
0222/88 HPC's Communications & Web Site: See Clerk report. Circulation HPC Jan 2022
News-letter. Chairman suggested News - letter for May Annual Parish Council Meeting.
Clerk suggested village photos of interest can be uploaded on to new website.
0222/89 Ref 1221/68 New Free Standing Notice Board - See Clerk report - Installed.
0222/90 Ref 1221/70 HPC Councillor Vacancy - Update See Clerk report. Candidate
attended meeting as a resident.
0222/91 Financial Matters & Financial Statement 16/02/2022.
Resolved to approve items of expenditure. Note: * Invoice presented to HPC for Village Hall hire to year end 31/03/22. Cheque issued & signed.
0222/92 Ref 1221/73 Queen's Jubilee Event participation 2022 - May Bank Holiday
Weekend Thursday 2 June and an additional Bank Holiday on Friday 3 June.
Update: Chairman & Cllr R Hill. Afternoon tea and evening entertainment arranged on Friday
3rd June 2022.
0222/93 Ref 1221/74 Horsington Annual Community Meeting. Wednesday 16 March 2022
at 6.45pm. Chairman Update: proposed items for agenda. Guest speaker/s Historic Talk,
Concerns re Traffic - Calming resident's questionnaire - LRSP. Cllr R Howard - Emergency
Plan. Elder Tree Inn update. All Saints Parish Church update. Clerk to prepare and circulate
Notice & Agenda.
0222/94 Planning.
a) Ref S/087/01307/21 LAND OFF MOOR LANE Retrospective Planning Permission - See
Clerk report.
Ref: 1220/45 Planning - EC/087/00332/20 Enforcement Notice - LAND OFF, MOOR LANE
HORSINGTON - See Clerk report. No further updates to report.
Permission Refused - Erection of a detached house with a detached double garage and
construction of a vehicular access.
Appeal Ref APP/D2510/W/21/3286182 submitted against ELDC refusal. Consideration of
HPC's written representation - deadline 24/02/2022. Resolved: Clerk to submit representation
supporting Appellant's appeal.
Chairman suspended Standing Orders to permit resident's present to raise their views on
agenda item:
LN10 5EZ. Planning Permission - Change of use of land for the siting of 10 no. touring
caravan pitches, a camping field, 8 no. glamping pods, 22 no. glamping cabins and 4 no. underground
hideaways and 1 no. holiday lodge. Change of use, conversion of, extensions and alterations to
former barn to provide a bar/cafe. Erection of a camping welfare block and a communal building
consisting of w.c.s and showers. Excavation of land to provide 2 no. wildlife ponds and earth
mounding to a maximum height 4.0 metres. Alterations to existing entrance to include entrance gates
to a maximum height of 1 metre, vehicular parking areas and internal access roads.
Consideration of HPC's Statutory Consultation response deadline 17/02/2022.
Resident's present, raised concerns regarding the size and extent of the proposed
development compared with the village. No local amenities, increased traffic flow through
village, increased noise and light pollution and impacts on residential amenity on nearest
properties. Visual landscape impacts. Support comments included - direct access to local
bus service, business opportunities for local contractors. Potential for increased custom at
Elder Tree Inn once reopened. Extension of existing holiday facility. Proposed landscaping
mitigates visual impacts. After extensive deliberations the Council:
Resolved: to Conditionally Support the application. However, the resolution was carried by
the Chairman's casting vote with two Members abstaining: Clerk to submit consultation
response setting out qualified grounds for support, but also to highlight concerns, which
Included the Environment Agency's objections, along with proposed development control
mitigation regarding concerns raised and objections.
0222/95 Correspondence. See agenda item 0222/86 (e)
0222/96 Minor Items - None.
0222/97 Date of Next Meeting/s Parish Council Meetings & Annual Parish Meeting.
Venue. - Horsington Village Hall.
a) Horsington Parish Council Meeting Schedule 2022.
Ordinary Parish Council Meeting 13 April 2022.
Annual Parish Council Meeting & Ordinary Meeting 11 May 2022.
b) Horsington Annual Community Meeting. Wednesday 16 March 2022 at 6.45pm.
Meeting closed at 9.05pm.